
If permitted by your employer, you can via Nordea Node’s partners gain access to discounts and procured services such as travel, health or preventive health care. Select “Benefits” in the menu and choose the category you are interested in. The page for each offer will give you information on how to use it.
Work glasses via benefit portal
If you sit for more than one hour in front of a computer every day, your employer will pay for an eye examination. If you employer has an agreement with Synsam, your order and booking can be handled via Synsam's offer for Computer Glasses.  To book an eye examination: Under “Benefits” access Synsam’s offer for computer glasses. Fill in your contact details. Specify your working distance for the order. Select the store where you want to have the examination. When you submit the form, an order is sent directly to the selected store. Book an appointment for an examination at the selected store. Your employer will receive an invoice and if you wish to purchase additional products, not included in your employer’s policy, you pay the difference directly in the store.
Wellness allowance with Epassi
If you employer offers a wellness allowance via our partner Epassi, you have access to a digital wellness service system. You will see your wellness balance when logged in to where you will also find a link directly to your account with Epassi. You will also find your current wellness balance, affiliated wellness providers and lots more at or via Epassi’s app.   Below you will find more useful information about what you need to do in order to use your wellness allowance.   How do I pay with my Wellness Allowance via Epassi?  Through your wellness allowance via Epassi, you can choose to pay for your activity in several ways. It all depends on what works best for you. Via Epassi, you can choose to pay for your activity in the following ways:   1. Pay with ID  You can pay for your wellness activity by presenting your ID at the cash desk and saying that you wish to pay with Epassi. The provider will record your purchase and it will be digitally deducted from your wellness balance.   2. Pay with Epassi’s app You can also pay for your wellness activity via Epassi’s app. To make a payment via the app, you need to log into the app, make the payment and present the digital receipt at the cash desk. Once the payment is made, the receipt is valid for just 15 minutes, so please wait to complete the purchase until you arrive at the cash desk.       Download Epassi’s app in Google Play or App Store.   3. Pay online You can also buy wellness services online from some providers. Go to your personal account at, select "Online Payments" and make the payment. The receipt will be sent to your e-mail and you can then present it at the cash desk.   4. Information about direct debit If you already have an active direct debit arrangement, it is important to make sure that your wellness balance with Epassi is charged first and that your direct debit is charged only after your wellness balance has been spent. This works in the same way as a regular purchase via Epassi, with the difference that the excess amount is handled by direct debit. Please note that direct debit procedures differ among various providers and that not everyone can combine direct debit with Epassi. Ask your provider about their procedure. Please note that the provider must be affiliated with Epassi for a direct debit connection to work.   Not sure if a provider is affiliated with Epassi? Go to and select "Find Provider" to find out if your wellness provider is affiliated with Epassi.     Any questions about your wellness allowance?  If you have any questions about your wellness allowance, please contact Epassi via or 031-57 26 00.